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More Landscapes

Chipp's studio landscapes are characterised by atmospheric lighting in the vein of the romantic painters of the past including Samuel Palmer, Atkinson Grimshaw and JMW Turner. They originate from sketches and studies made on site, some of which stand as completed plein air works in themselves.  This two-step process allows for features of the scene to be accentuated or reduced according to the effect required.

"I take great pleasure in drawing and painting on site where I can absorb the nature of the surroundings and capture the essence of that place at that moment.  Equally I am very aware of the transience of that moment and how the scene could change dramatically under other conditions.  Each place has many histories and appearances but the rock beneath the surface gives a constant shape to the land.  By emphasising this and obscuring surface details my intention is to suggest a timeless view of the scene."

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